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Enhancing knowledge in Computer Science, Mathematics and English for Secondary school Students.

More than 90% of the students in rural communities have limited access and knowledge to Literature, Science, Technology and Engineering. However, these are key components to a countries development.

Information Knowledge Lab Sessions (I-kLabs) is a program that enhances knowledge in Computer Science, Mathematics and English for Secondary and pre-university Students. It holds a series of educational programs with students in various secondary schools and colleges.

English, Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics (ESTEM), is a project under i-kLabs. Through ESTEM, students are taught Computer Sciences and English during after school periods.


This component of the project specializes on building English skills of students through book clubs. Students read books form different disciplines including academic and biographies. The book club is held once every month


In this component of the project, students learn computer science, coding and mathematics in lab sessions which follow a project module. The project is progressive - it recruits form one students and takes them through to form four while taking on new form ones each year. The goal is to proceed with the students in their transition to University. The lab sessions are conducted twice every month but the plans are in place to scale the number of meeting times.

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